We’re Hanoi’s number one property site with the most properties for rent from every real estate brand in the country. We are totally dedicated to property, have search functionality that’s second to none to get you to your perfect property faster.
If you’re hunting for a property – whether it’s your dream villa, an apartment, a condominium, office space, or a house to rent, our job is to make sure you have the largest number of listing options to choose from.
As for our team, we’re a bunch of people passionate about all things real estate. So we’re constantly looking to renting or leasing a more enjoyable and rewarding experience.
On the flip side, if you have a house, commercial building or apartment, lease or rent, we have every real estate brand in Ha Noi listing with us. So rest easy – you’re in safe hands and there’s lots of eyeballs coming your way, with more than a million views each month on our site.
We are so much more than a full service real estate firm. We’re a group of talented people with a passion for finding the best way of living. People who make every effort to help you live who you are.
Search through our curated listings of apartments in Ha Noi city. Filter your results by neighborhood, nearby transit, price range and more.
You can directly message/email/call one of our agents. We have push and email notifications are definitely coming soon.
We have the responsibility to connect you with the owner. Any problems with you during your tenancy are supported by us. The most important thing is that we guide you to the best hosts.
We love the neighborhoods that we focus on – we live in them too. We’ve spent the last year curating lists and beautiful photos of the best places in the hood.
Truc Bach, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Dang Thai Mai, Tay Ho, Hanoi
Hoang Hoa Tham, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Doi Can, Ba Dinh, Hanoi